SIDEWALK REPAIR & TREE REMOVAL- Project Ongoing through 2023
Beginning Monday January 30, 2023, the Sonoran Shade Tree Company will start the removal of several trees in the neighborhood along with the repair of sidewalks in the neighborhood that have been damaged by the roots of those trees. The removal is essential to prevent the roots from undermining walls in the neighborhood, and from seeking other water sources on individual properties. Streets where Sidewalks will be removed and repaired: West side of Little Tree Willow between Geyer & Feltleaf Willow Drives East side of Hinds Willow Between Geyer & Feltleaf Willow Drives North side of Black Willow Drive between Pacific and Silky Willow Drives West side of Velvet Willow Way Between Black Willow and Shining Willow Drives North Side of Black Willow Drive between River Willow Drive & Sandbar Willow Pl 2 trees will be removed on Little Tree Willow just north of Geyer Willow One tree will be removed on Hinds Willow just south of Feltleaf Willow Dr Additionally, six tree along the west side of the south community park will be removed. This action is being taken because the roots of the trees have encroached on to a home-owners property and are affecting block walls and pools in the area. We are searching for a more appropriate replacement tree to that would enhance our neighborhood appearance without encroaching or damaging personal property. Please park away from these areas to allow the workers the space to timely complete these projects.
Additionally we have been removing trees limbs due to storm damage and fixing homeowner walls that have been affected by existing and wind blow trees. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Platinum Management via our web site. Your Sonoran Desert Willow Estates HOA Board