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Emergency Meeting Update

The Sonoran Desert Willow Estates HOA Board met this morning to review potential Community Management companies. After an extensive discussion weighing the pros and cons of several companies interviewed, the Board voted unanimously to retain GNC Community Management Services.

GNC is a local company located on 4011 East Broadway Blvd, just west of Swan. They have been a member of the Tucson community for over 18 years.

The Board chose GNC specifically because the way they interact with community members, their dedication to customer service, the way they manage HOA finances and their eagerness to establish immediate service to the association.

Within the ten days our members will receive our January assessment statements and a welcome package from GNC services. Among the many benefits of partnering with GNC is once we are up and running, our members will be able to access their account information online, a benefit that has been requested by many in our association.

During the meeting, the Board voted unanimously to defer the due date for the first quarter assessments till the end of February. This will allow GNC to get up to speed on all of our records. There will be no late payment fees for this assessment period only. If you currently have an outstanding or delinquent balance, you will still be expected to pay late fees attached to that account.

Because of all that needs to be done during this transition period, the regular monthly meeting scheduled for Thursday, December 19, 2024, is hereby cancelled. We will also delay our annual meeting from February 2025 to March 2025.

Thank you for your patience and anticipated cooperation, we are confident GNC will provide the excellent service our association deserves.


Your SDWE HOA Board of Directors.


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